Teen Zone
Teen Zone Picks

Make Your Mark, Embark on Learning
TEEN TERRITORY is the new name for the Young Adult library section of Roosevelt Public Library. This area serves all ages but is geared for 7th-12th graders. Our room includes multiple genres including fiction, non-fiction, classics, Spanish language books, biographies, manga, graphic novels, reference, and a college corner.
The college corner contains PSAT, SAT, and ACT study guides, as well as regents review books. Also in the college corner are review books for 7th and 8th grade Math and ELA, as well as AP guides in World History, Art History, Chemistry, Calculus, Biology, French Language and Culture, Environmental Science, Computer Science, and English Language Composition. Career books round out “the corner”.
There are three areas within, or near, the TEEN TERRITORY section that display new fiction and new non-fiction as well as special displays. There are often free giveaways such as pencils and bookmarks. Always feel free to check out a book from any of the displays.
TEEN TERRITORY is also offering a number of programs throughout the coming months for teens to take part in. Registration is possible online or in person. Sign up with friends or make new ones. Programs are free and free is generally fun!

Upcoming Teen Events and Classes
- Tue, Feb 11Youth Services
- Tue, Feb 11Youth Services
- Tue, Feb 11Roosevelt
- Wed, Feb 12Roosevelt